Thank you Paris Hilton !! Thank you for reaffirming that there is no justice in this world. Thank you for letting middle class and lower households know that they truely are pieces of shit. Thank you for letting everyone know that who has the most money, dose in fact win. Thank you for being a useless cunt, and a waste of fucking air. Most importantly, thank you for being so weak, because next to you, i'm a living God.
With that out of the way
One of my favorite movie quotes form the movie Thunderheart.
"Sometimes they have to kill us, because they can't brake our spirits."
Ok, she is back in jail, i'm happy
With that out of the way

"Sometimes they have to kill us, because they can't brake our spirits."
Ok, she is back in jail, i'm happy

i trust you, youve got the right face to murder indeed