images of dancing vaginas in sewers float around in my head.
all your friends are dead and the rash wont go away.
sitting in bed eating eskimo pies and thinking of satan's downfall.
the beautiful waitress who couldnt have been more than 100 pounds and her sad face made mine happy.
selfish children throwing temper tantrums in front of their parents.
my ears ringing with the echos of a girl i used to love.
the beauty of firing a 16 guage remington and the bright orange flash, the purple bruise it leaves on your shoulder,... and thoughts of what can be.
the pepto in the medicine cabinet right next to the klonopin.
the roaches in the medicine cabinet right next to the pepto and klonopin.
the jewish mothers, catholic fathers, and atheist teachers in a blender. it wont hold.
the beautiful whores who dont care for you.
fallen leaders and the promise of a new hope destroyed by the age of greed. the age of man.
evergreen trees and never blue skies.
a void.
bye bye.
all your friends are dead and the rash wont go away.
sitting in bed eating eskimo pies and thinking of satan's downfall.
the beautiful waitress who couldnt have been more than 100 pounds and her sad face made mine happy.
selfish children throwing temper tantrums in front of their parents.
my ears ringing with the echos of a girl i used to love.
the beauty of firing a 16 guage remington and the bright orange flash, the purple bruise it leaves on your shoulder,... and thoughts of what can be.
the pepto in the medicine cabinet right next to the klonopin.
the roaches in the medicine cabinet right next to the pepto and klonopin.
the jewish mothers, catholic fathers, and atheist teachers in a blender. it wont hold.
the beautiful whores who dont care for you.
fallen leaders and the promise of a new hope destroyed by the age of greed. the age of man.
evergreen trees and never blue skies.
a void.
bye bye.
a bacon tattoo would fucking rock, dude. dancing bacon. in sunglasses.
your profile picture just scared the shit out of me.