I just wanted to thank my great little group of friends I've made here and all the girls who put their bodies on the line for the world to see. I know you don't always get the love an support you all deserve, but for my two cents worth you all make my days a little easier to start when I check out the site over my morning coffee and help brighten my day when I get home from work and my bodiy's in pain.
When you're a teenager people encourage you to be active and play sport, but they never tell you about the pain you're going to suffer in 20 years time when all the injuries finally catch up with you.
But thanks girls. You always give me something to smile about.

When you're a teenager people encourage you to be active and play sport, but they never tell you about the pain you're going to suffer in 20 years time when all the injuries finally catch up with you.
But thanks girls. You always give me something to smile about.

Aw, thank you!
Thank you so much
You always cheer me up!