Burning Man. Question for all you with it people.
A lot of my friends are stoners, my brother and father both smoke, and i have no problem with it. I, however, do not. Don't smoke, and dont drink to get drunk (usually). I'm not really a huge 'foreign substances' person.
So here's the thing. For those of you in the know, what's the likelihood i would be able to go to and enjoy burning man. I've been talking to a couple people, and the messages and experiences seem very in line with things that are important to me.
But, like earthdance, i'm kind of afraid it will be overshadowed by not being one of the people totally out of it.
I don't know, i may be over analyzing. Just kind of probing the SG user base for some experiences with the festival, seeing how it was for you.
A lot of my friends are stoners, my brother and father both smoke, and i have no problem with it. I, however, do not. Don't smoke, and dont drink to get drunk (usually). I'm not really a huge 'foreign substances' person.
So here's the thing. For those of you in the know, what's the likelihood i would be able to go to and enjoy burning man. I've been talking to a couple people, and the messages and experiences seem very in line with things that are important to me.
But, like earthdance, i'm kind of afraid it will be overshadowed by not being one of the people totally out of it.
I don't know, i may be over analyzing. Just kind of probing the SG user base for some experiences with the festival, seeing how it was for you.