Hello world.
Ahh memories from when I taught myself how to program.
Well it is Friday February 2nd. I am sitting here waisting time when I should be heading over to the DMV or whatever they call it hear in SC to get a new drivers license. I hate the DMV so I am procrastinating.
My Birthday is this week but there will be no partying until next weekend because I am loaded with tests this week but thats ok. My friend Denice is coming up from Charleston next weekend so we will probably get together she and I share the same Birthday so we often party together when I am in town. She went to school here with me the first time I went here. She is now doing her graduate work down in Charleston. She writes for some alternative newspapers occasionally and likes to have a good time.
Oh yes another point of information the other night when I was leaving my Snorkeling and Kayaking class I was informed that there may still be spots open on the maymester coral reef ecology trip. I am going to see if I can come up with the cash and take a nice trip down to Jamaica it probably won't happen because cash flow is not the best right now but a guy can dream can't he.
Ahh memories from when I taught myself how to program.
Well it is Friday February 2nd. I am sitting here waisting time when I should be heading over to the DMV or whatever they call it hear in SC to get a new drivers license. I hate the DMV so I am procrastinating.
My Birthday is this week but there will be no partying until next weekend because I am loaded with tests this week but thats ok. My friend Denice is coming up from Charleston next weekend so we will probably get together she and I share the same Birthday so we often party together when I am in town. She went to school here with me the first time I went here. She is now doing her graduate work down in Charleston. She writes for some alternative newspapers occasionally and likes to have a good time.
Oh yes another point of information the other night when I was leaving my Snorkeling and Kayaking class I was informed that there may still be spots open on the maymester coral reef ecology trip. I am going to see if I can come up with the cash and take a nice trip down to Jamaica it probably won't happen because cash flow is not the best right now but a guy can dream can't he.