Ohhh bloody hell looks like what I though was a good relationship that was actually going places is going nowhere. I hurts like hell I say because I really love this girl. I am now just trying to salvage our friendship. God just a few days ago she came bearing gifts and now she will not answer the phone. What happened you ask honestly I don't really know and am still trying to find out. Oh well hopfully she will answer the phone tommorow god all she has to do is tell me she is not interested and thats all I need. Not this silence shit. I mean I tell her how I feel and get silence why in the hell can't she tell me how she feels. Why can she not just say hey dumbass I am not interested. Nope I get nothing. DAMN DAMN DAMN. Oh well I guess I should give her some time. You know the last thing she said to me was I will probably talk to you tommorow and well that has gone past. Oh well I will be ok and we shall see what happens.