Some odd things have happened in the last few days that have made me start to rethink the way I do things. I need to be more open to my friends and let them know who I am and what I am all about. Some people already know certain things about the way I think and the way I do things but no one knows everything. I came to the realization or well I should say that the events that led to this realization happened the night before last, which in the whole scheme of things may have been both the worst and best night of my life. This is most likely a very confusing statement but with more posts and time all things may become clear. Shit things really are not clear to me yet but I can see the light. You should see the odd mischievous grin that is forming on my face right now its kind of funny. Life is here for us to live and its time for me to start living it. Yes that is the most important sentence here that is what we all need to know. Oh god this is going to be fun. Oh and for those of you who are reading this and going what the fuck is he talking about don't worry the new philosophy requires me to work my ass off at all things this is actually a great thing for school and life in general. Peace out homes.
Thou art god
Thou art god