It is a good day in South Carolina. I just had a meeting with one of my professors today and he wants me to work on a reserch project with him. For those who do not know I have just returned to school after a four year break. The last time I want to school I was a slacker who did not do my work and I failed miserably. I am now back and I actually go to class and you know what going to class makes school easier. Anyway one of my papers for a Marine Science lab class caught the eye of my professor who now wants me to do a Masters/PHD level reserch project to help him with his studies. The most interesting and thing is that once things get going he may have me speak to his Marine Chemistry lab class this will be a very interesting experience because I have not yet taken Marine Chem shoot I have not even taken basic chemistry. So yes a guy who has not yet taken Chemistry if going to be working on a very advanced level chemistry reasearch project. I have been told that I will be able to use this for class credit and I will also most likley get paid if the funding goes as it should. So hows that for some news.
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There is nothing on earth that I hate more than insomnia. I cannot… -
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Tuesday Oct 24, 2006
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