So, I flipped open my grandfather's old "Spoken French for Students and Travelers," and the first phrase that pops up is "Faites attention aux chaussettes." I'm mystified. In what situation would this be a necessary phrase?
More Blogs
Sunday May 29, 2005
Alright, here is my life in a nutshell right now: Lucy is asleep, a… -
Saturday May 21, 2005
Well, the house still smells like man sweat (and, now, paint). BUT i… -
Thursday May 12, 2005
Mmm. My house smells like man sweat and burning sawdust. -
Friday May 06, 2005
This is my favorite thing this week!… -
Saturday Apr 23, 2005
last night reprobate and i bought heaps of pretty lingerie for me fr… -
Friday Apr 15, 2005
Conserve your gnomes. You never know when you may need one. htt… -
Saturday Apr 02, 2005
So, this is sad. We get a babysitter at the last minute, and can't t… -
Friday Mar 25, 2005
I thought I hated moving before. However, now that I've tried packing… -
Wednesday Mar 23, 2005
We spent the weekend in Portland with my famly. UMM, four tense peo… -
Sunday Mar 13, 2005
Last night, bourbon and wild cherry pepsi, amusement park rides, dinn…
(I am reminded of Kevin Kline in French Kiss... "Aaah, la mer.. c'est.. si plein de poissons...")