Is there some sort of personality rating scale based on what you post in your journal, and how often? For example, does just posting questions periodically mean I'm introverted and self-conscious, but controlling?
Tonsillitis sucks. In other news, I have a 15 page paper and three projects for work due tomorrow, and an office Xmas party tomorrow night, and a (belated) third birthday party for Lucy on Sunday. I hope your run up to the holidays is going better than mine.

I would highly recommend going to Walt Clark at NOLA tattoo 504-524-6147
he has tattooed me and I used to work with him. clean and cool to work with. tell him I sent you.
he has tattooed me and I used to work with him. clean and cool to work with. tell him I sent you.
You should leave your lovely daughter with relatives and come out to visit sometime for a vacation. Bean and I have a cute house in Hollywood now and would love to play host to our friends -- within walking distance of Dragonfly and other such clubs.
If we had enough notice we might even finally unpack the boxes that are stacked in the spare room and make it usable by company.

So, the other day my new shrink was trying to teach me some anxiety management/relaxation techniques, and asked me to visualize a place where I felt calm and safe. I totally blanked. Couldn't think of a damn place. Not sure what that means.
Next time I'll use the Sculpture Garden in the American Wing of the Met. Strange it didn't come to me at the...
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Next time I'll use the Sculpture Garden in the American Wing of the Met. Strange it didn't come to me at the...
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I'd nominate the screen porch of our house in the Pines in jersey. Very relaxing, quiet, old house that looks the same now as it did when it was built in the 1920's.
Once, on a trip to Big Bear Lake, I spent a warm afternoon laying in a meadow right next to the lake. This photo, which I ripped off the internet because I don't have any pics of the trip, shows the exact meadow in question. It's what I generally think of when I need to think of something calm and relaxing.
Pay no attention to the random college student on vacation from whom I snagged the pic.

Pay no attention to the random college student on vacation from whom I snagged the pic.

have people started writing poetry around their iTunes libraries yet?
I like vinyl.
I like vinyl.
um. loud noises.
I love lamp?
thanx for your reply about aura.
so, you do have those too ? Aren't they horrible ? they crack me up everytime (3 or 4 times a year, they may not last longer than 30 minutes at most, but they do resonate in my head for two days..)
i take b2 vitamin, it supposes to help, and its true my last migraine wasn't hurting so much, but it's the vision distortion that kills me...
well, what doesnt' kill us makes us stronger, non ?
so, you do have those too ? Aren't they horrible ? they crack me up everytime (3 or 4 times a year, they may not last longer than 30 minutes at most, but they do resonate in my head for two days..)
i take b2 vitamin, it supposes to help, and its true my last migraine wasn't hurting so much, but it's the vision distortion that kills me...
well, what doesnt' kill us makes us stronger, non ?


okay, so this is a poll: at what juncture would you feel legitimately entitled to yell "MOM!" and have her fly in to help you.
I already did it once this year--with my toddler in the hospital with an undiagnosed mystery infection of some kind not responding to antibiotics. In what circumstance would you feel justified in doing the same?
I already did it once this year--with my toddler in the hospital with an undiagnosed mystery infection of some kind not responding to antibiotics. In what circumstance would you feel justified in doing the same?
When a man is wrestling a leopard in the middle of a pond, he's in no position to run.
How fucking tedious. Stress + sick child + mild mid-30s insecurity means I've been smoking enough I had a nic fit at work today and had to run out and have a cigarette in my car. Cigarettes are supposed to be an accessory, dammit, not a compulsion. I forgot how badly this sucks.

So, I flipped open my grandfather's old "Spoken French for Students and Travelers," and the first phrase that pops up is "Faites attention aux chaussettes." I'm mystified. In what situation would this be a necessary phrase?
La plume de ma tante est sur la table.
Ah, le singe, mais oui. Mon chien, il est rond et orange.
(I am reminded of Kevin Kline in French Kiss... "Aaah, la mer.. c'est.. si plein de poissons...")
(I am reminded of Kevin Kline in French Kiss... "Aaah, la mer.. c'est.. si plein de poissons...")
so, being at the hospital for three days sucks.

yes it does - glad you are out
What happened?
So, blue/green for the dining room and red for the bedroom, or vice versa?
Red is a color that makes you want to eat, so I'd say red for the dining room. However, red walls with soft lighting make everyone look fabulous in the bedroom. It's a toss-up.
Thanks for the kind words. They were needed.
Thanks for the kind words. They were needed.
Red is for passion, love, excitement and sex - great color for the bedroom!
Is there a "Beat Joe Lieberman" campaign? If so, I would like to contribute to it.
I'm sure there will be, in short order. Perhaps Ned would know?
Ah, I wish. This one is desert to northern middle america and back, unfortunately. Visiting you guys would be soooo much more fun.

The more I read about weather around the country, the happier I am that I live in a place with no weather. I'll take those slim chances of earthquakes in exchange the lack of weather.
So, how are you doing?
i've logged back on as et_ux, although I'm not any more--Jim and I separated about a year and a half ago and divorced this past summer. your hair looks great!