Hi everyone, remember me? Just got back from Alaska and I head out to Boston on Wed., so I thought I should grab some time and update.
I'm not pregnant, what a surprise.
The vacation was amazing, Alaska is so beautiful. I will put pics up soon of our trip. I think I gained some weight from all the delicious food, my pants are a...
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I'm not pregnant, what a surprise.

The vacation was amazing, Alaska is so beautiful. I will put pics up soon of our trip. I think I gained some weight from all the delicious food, my pants are a...
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Happy Birthday. I love Alaska, I was up there last summer...
Hahahahahappy birthday. Alaska, mmm gotta make it up there sometime before it becomes an Exxon spoonsored oil-themed amusement park.
Well, it's been two weeks since my last entry. I finally have some time to update, if any of you are still interested.
We're selling our house! We put it up last weekend, so hopefully someone will look at it soon. We have found some nicer homes that we can actually afford in this area, so we don't have to move afterall. Things are going...
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We're selling our house! We put it up last weekend, so hopefully someone will look at it soon. We have found some nicer homes that we can actually afford in this area, so we don't have to move afterall. Things are going...
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Sorry, I had so many journal entries in my bookmarks I had to go back a few pages to come across yours.
I've got my fingers crossed for you. Boy moving can be stress full, I hope it goes smoothly for you. Whats the house like? Whats the area like?
Hope you and your man and doggy are doing well. Maybe Ill get to talk to you soon.
I've got my fingers crossed for you. Boy moving can be stress full, I hope it goes smoothly for you. Whats the house like? Whats the area like?
Hope you and your man and doggy are doing well. Maybe Ill get to talk to you soon.
Good luck!

I quit karate tonight. I totally let myself get ripped off, too. I paid the monthly fee last week and now I hate it. It was a lot different last week. They had us doing karate outside on the concrete and now my feet have bloody blisters , and I can barely walk. I have to hobble in to my first day of training tomarrow,...
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On concrete? That's insane I couldn't do that at all. What kind of madness is that. There should be a law against such things.
my feet hurt just from reading that.
my feet hurt just from reading that.
rants are great! feel good too! i hope everythings going well for you

I hate Los Angeles! The traffic is unbelievable! I don't know how anyone can drive on a daily basis through all of it. It took me 2 1/2 hours to get home tonight from a class out in Torrance. I think people who have to commute like that must be clinically insane by now. I'm bitter just after one day!
My hubby and I are...
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My hubby and I are...
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Seattle is a nice place to rais kids because of the low crime rate and friendly people and deffinetly has a high standerd of living. I don't think it's that much cheaper then southern cali though. Plus we hardly have four seasons as winter is just raining and end in mid Febuary. Kids are diffinetly allot to take on, but I know you guys will do well with that.
Ahh, it's been a very lazy day today. I treated myself to a mani-pedi and my hands and tootsies are thankful. I haven't done that in a long time. I think everyone needs to pamper themselves once in a while...we all deserve a little tlc.
Went and saw Sin City friday night and it was GOOD! Go and see it!!! I'm not much of a...
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Went and saw Sin City friday night and it was GOOD! Go and see it!!! I'm not much of a...
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Oh I fogot about Vancouver, you will love it I am sure. Free services sounds wonderfull, I think I need some of that done on me. I am a bit scared of hair removel and tend to stick to my razor.
I think I will have to see Sin City, I was a little worried because I am not a bit Bruce willis fan and I think he is in it. But I have only heard good things about it and I too am not a big commic book fan, never had the time to get into it and always spent my money on paint or music.
I think I will have to see Sin City, I was a little worried because I am not a bit Bruce willis fan and I think he is in it. But I have only heard good things about it and I too am not a big commic book fan, never had the time to get into it and always spent my money on paint or music.
ha ha, I've never had nakid sushi. It might freak me out though. I mean what if the person isn't clean. yes I know silly thing to worry about.
places that I've been...
Sorry to everyone for not being around much. I've been busy lately. I just started taking martial art lessons at a nearby self defense studio. It's really cool. It's called Shaolin Kempo style. It means "law of the fist". The monthly fees are fucking expensive...$165.00 per month. It will be worth it though, I need to learn how to protect myself and my future family....
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You got a job! very good for you. I took Tie Kwan Do for awhile I only made it to yellow belt it just wasn't leathle enough for me. I may take up a form of kung fu if I ever get the rest of life sorted out.
ok...so the doc wants to put me on drugs. I have to take fertility meds now so I am going to become a crazy hormonal bitch! My chances of having twins has now increased because of the meds, but at least if that happens I will be done and over it all at once. Then the tubes will be tied and the boob job will...
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I hope the meds work out for you. I too avoid taning, I fear the sun and it's aging affects on me.
Yes journal enteries are a bit self centered think of it more as your keeping us all informed on what your up to. I had another journal for years and one day I just had nothing else to say, not for 9 months. by that time. Personaly my favorite journal entries have pictures or tell stories of something interesting that has happend. All to often life is not that exciting though. Just don't fall into the catagory of people that put song lyrics up. that always boarse me.
Take care
Yes journal enteries are a bit self centered think of it more as your keeping us all informed on what your up to. I had another journal for years and one day I just had nothing else to say, not for 9 months. by that time. Personaly my favorite journal entries have pictures or tell stories of something interesting that has happend. All to often life is not that exciting though. Just don't fall into the catagory of people that put song lyrics up. that always boarse me.
Take care
DAMN IT! Another negative test. What the fuck? Why the hell can I not get pregnant? I have a VERY active sex life! Like 4-5 times a week!! Thats almost every fucking day! FUCK!!!!!
ok...I feel much better now...thx
ok...I feel much better now...thx
Sorry, I'm sure it will happen eventually... try again... and again... thats all you can do I guees.
Hang in there - I hope i have your luck.... I'm never having kids
Don't worry.... it takes time, but you'll be good..... and i envy your sex life!!!!

Don't worry.... it takes time, but you'll be good..... and i envy your sex life!!!!

I have been very lazy about writing in this journal lately. I just haven't been interested in it. I haven't even been keeping up with everyone, either...I sorry
I think I've just been moody in the last few weeks. My poor husband. I don't know why, but I've been feeling very blah.
On the good side of things, I am going on an Alaskan cruise...
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I think I've just been moody in the last few weeks. My poor husband. I don't know why, but I've been feeling very blah.
On the good side of things, I am going on an Alaskan cruise...
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i totally conquer
Being a housewife can be loads of fun... I hate cleaning though. So your going to see your sisters new baby? I bet you are looking forward to that. No worries if your not around much I understand that lifeis more important the journals. Ill be here still.
You two will have loads of fun on your trip I bet. We need a vacation to soon.
You two will have loads of fun on your trip I bet. We need a vacation to soon.
So, I got like 4 interviews lined up over the next 2 weeks at various places. Monday is at Nordstroms for a counter bitch, but thats good money. Shitty hours, but decent pay. Then theres a spa cordinator postion at a day spa, but I think I'll just be bitter and jealous of the estheticians. Then another counter bitch interview the following week at Macys..but...
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Counter bitch sounds like a good place to work, I assume you would get discounted products too.
Wow, 8 months and still no luck? At least the action you must do in order to get pregnant is alot more fun then say cleaning dishes or moewing a lawn.
Good luck
Wow, 8 months and still no luck? At least the action you must do in order to get pregnant is alot more fun then say cleaning dishes or moewing a lawn.
Good luck
Thanks very much for your support! Geez, you'd think they'd know, it even says I'm an "evildoer " in my profile...
Anyway, Congrats on the interviews, and much luck with the um.. "creative efforts" as it were... You are a VERY brave girl.. I'm way too much of a scaredy cat to multiply, so now I have a spoiled little dog that eats Satanic food... The person who jumped on me would probably blow a gasket and have a PETA-inspired meltdown if they knew what I fed my four evil cats...
Peas! (well not really peas, they just get your basic food for sensitive systems to keep them from puking like a vintage punk rock band all over the place)
Much Luck To Ya Dear!
Anyway, Congrats on the interviews, and much luck with the um.. "creative efforts" as it were... You are a VERY brave girl.. I'm way too much of a scaredy cat to multiply, so now I have a spoiled little dog that eats Satanic food... The person who jumped on me would probably blow a gasket and have a PETA-inspired meltdown if they knew what I fed my four evil cats...
Peas! (well not really peas, they just get your basic food for sensitive systems to keep them from puking like a vintage punk rock band all over the place)
Much Luck To Ya Dear!
I'm not going to be able to work at that place now. They want me to invest like $800.00 to get started. Thats rediculous. I don't have that kind of money...but even if I did, I'm trying to make money, not spend it. Not to mention that I have really bad carpal tunnel and osteoarthrosis in my hands. So much for this career....
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I'm not going to be able to work at that place now. They want me to invest like $800.00 to get started. Thats rediculous. I don't have that kind of money...but even if I did, I'm trying to make money, not spend it. Not to mention that I have really bad carpal tunnel and osteoarthrosis in my hands. So much for this career....
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Thats just not right, you have to pay to make money.... To often I"ve found myself in wierd pasitions in life like that. Maybe it's best you become a musician or something.
You know in the end there missing out on having a great person work for them. but don't take a job that makess you unhappy or charges you to work.
You know in the end there missing out on having a great person work for them. but don't take a job that makess you unhappy or charges you to work.
Hang in there! I wish i could give you some job advice.... ever consider fashion design? Eh... maybe you want to stay away from the arts.... not a whole lot of job security there
be well!

be well!