I'm slacking off because I caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!
Also, i'm back to not having a computer at home and camping out in the computer lab at school, UGH!
This is my very last semester of college! At least for a while, I haven't even tried to look into graduate school because I'm primarily focused on moving out of state so fast you won't even notice i've gone.
I'm taking fiftten credit hours, still waiting tables and working at my decal kiosk. Someday, I wanna run a decal booth at the county fair. Wouldn't that be neat?!
I will be attending
The Baltimore Tattoo Convention
so if yer on the east coast or want a keychain, hit me up. No doubt mom could fill an entire scrapbook with the pictures i'm bringing back. Also, I can promise to return with at least one shitty tattoo.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
I finished my half sleeve, I'm never ever posting pictures ever so you'll just have to use your imagination.
Also, i'm back to not having a computer at home and camping out in the computer lab at school, UGH!
This is my very last semester of college! At least for a while, I haven't even tried to look into graduate school because I'm primarily focused on moving out of state so fast you won't even notice i've gone.
I'm taking fiftten credit hours, still waiting tables and working at my decal kiosk. Someday, I wanna run a decal booth at the county fair. Wouldn't that be neat?!
I will be attending
The Baltimore Tattoo Convention
so if yer on the east coast or want a keychain, hit me up. No doubt mom could fill an entire scrapbook with the pictures i'm bringing back. Also, I can promise to return with at least one shitty tattoo.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
I finished my half sleeve, I'm never ever posting pictures ever so you'll just have to use your imagination.
hey hey hey! We should totally meet up while you're in town!! Lunch or something!
So have you left the state yet?