Glad I saw X-Men:First Class today before SG could ruin some of the surprises for me.

An awesome film, one I hope more people will check out. This is what X3 could have been like had they not put Matthew Vaughn's balls in a time constraint vice. Instead they pressured him for a ridiculous time schedule so Fox could compete with Bryan Singer's Superman Returns resulting in Vaughn quiting and them settling on Ratner's clusterfuck. I remember when he was announced as the director of X3 and knowing we would get something special, and while it took a few years, the X-Men film he eventually delivered was on the money!

An awesome film, one I hope more people will check out. This is what X3 could have been like had they not put Matthew Vaughn's balls in a time constraint vice. Instead they pressured him for a ridiculous time schedule so Fox could compete with Bryan Singer's Superman Returns resulting in Vaughn quiting and them settling on Ratner's clusterfuck. I remember when he was announced as the director of X3 and knowing we would get something special, and while it took a few years, the X-Men film he eventually delivered was on the money!

X-Men:First Class was awesome but Green Lantern was a bit painful. If you're going to go see it I'd suggest catching an early showing.