Well, I am a piercer. I have many stories I can tell about crazy things that happened in my room. But let's talk about my experience. I really wanted my VCH pierced. (Vertical Clitoris Hood) My best friend also wanted hers. She lives 2 hours away from me. I figured Id go to her town to get it done. That way my local piercers and friends didn't have to see my vagina. I had her do all the research for best piercer in her area. The day before I stayed the night at her house and once we woke we got ready for our girls day out. I trusted her with handling every detail of that day. She's really conservative with no tattoos. This was already not like her. Once we pulled up I was taken back. Oh Gosh. I should have know better. The best shop was my Ex boyfriends shop and the piercer was his best friend. I really tried to not make things awkward but of corse I failed. Laying there spread eagle for this dude as he's asking me about the break up. Im civil with my ex but the lies were too much. Im not gonna air out the dirty laundry to his coworker. So I just brush it off with long distance wasnt working. I was so awkward about the whole experience I tripped over a chair in the lobby and dropped my cash come time to pay. So weird having my Exs best friend all up in my no no zone. he did amazing so I guess thats all that counts. So glad that I dont have to do that again. Since then I hired another female piercer at my shop that I trust to do all my crazy piercings.
Those ODD moments that keep life interesting. Where else do we get those stories to tell.