Oh Lawd. Edibles did me dirty, but I love still them. Statistically no one has died from cannabis. I was almost the first. Im laying in bed in my own thought on how you body has voluntary and involuntary action. Breathing is BOTH. Example, your day to day chilling you're just breathing without thinking about it. You can also hold your breath and/or breath rapidly. Human bodies are honestly amazing. So I wanted to be in control of my breathing, do it voluntary vs involuntary. I took a deep breath in and held it, for some reason as long as I could. I let it out. Then it hit me! I FORGOT HOW TO BREATH IN! Here I am suffocating on absolutely nothing thinking to myself "this is how Im going to die." Thankfully my amazing human body got tired of my "voluntary control" thought and clicked back in to involuntary mode. I gasped for air. Sweet sweet air. I survived. I now just stick to chatting with friends or watching tv when Im that high. No more "scientific experiments."
Whats Yalls "I was so high story?"