Well today i finally get to update my profile, nothing too new here, just some STUPID shit going on, NEVER JOIN ANY BRANCH OF THE ARMED FORCES... i thought it might not suck, i was wrong, its a whole lot of stupid shit bundled up. imagine your worst day ever, today was much worse than that i hope. i hope none of you have ever had a shittier day, i think that all this crap has made me stupider.
More Blogs
Friday Mar 18, 2005
stupid army filter/firewall/"shit just hates me thing" makes it so i … -
Monday Mar 14, 2005
not much new here, on night shift now so i dont have to deal with qui… -
Saturday Feb 19, 2005
Still phreaking out but not as bad, starting tuesday i get a new supe… -
Wednesday Feb 16, 2005
Decided all spur of the moment that quitting smoking sounded like a g… -
Tuesday Feb 01, 2005
time for another update huh? Not much new, just trying to stay sane.… -
Friday Jan 28, 2005
Finally, after a few months of complete hell my 1sg(highest ranking n… -
Friday Jan 21, 2005
we moved to new barracks and jesus christ are they FOUL! I mean the… -
Friday Jan 07, 2005
So after a few weeks of not updating, I'm back in korea none the wise… -
Monday Dec 20, 2004
Oh yeah, tomorrow morning I get on a plane and head back for a month.… -
Friday Dec 17, 2004
5 more days until I come home for a month so yeah I've decided tha…