Might be back in the good ol' usa here in a few months... it'll be nice to see people who speak the same language as me and dont stink of kimchi (it sucks, no matter what anyone tells you) so in conclusion, dont ever eat kimchi or join the army.
More Blogs
Friday Mar 18, 2005
stupid army filter/firewall/"shit just hates me thing" makes it so i … -
Monday Mar 14, 2005
not much new here, on night shift now so i dont have to deal with qui… -
Saturday Feb 19, 2005
Still phreaking out but not as bad, starting tuesday i get a new supe… -
Wednesday Feb 16, 2005
Decided all spur of the moment that quitting smoking sounded like a g… -
Tuesday Feb 01, 2005
time for another update huh? Not much new, just trying to stay sane.… -
Friday Jan 28, 2005
Finally, after a few months of complete hell my 1sg(highest ranking n… -
Friday Jan 21, 2005
we moved to new barracks and jesus christ are they FOUL! I mean the… -
Friday Jan 07, 2005
So after a few weeks of not updating, I'm back in korea none the wise… -
Monday Dec 20, 2004
Oh yeah, tomorrow morning I get on a plane and head back for a month.… -
Friday Dec 17, 2004
5 more days until I come home for a month so yeah I've decided tha…