wow... just got back from a Drowning Pool concert that came to Korea... and although i doubted that their new leadsinger would be any good, well, either he sucks and the band is just good at covering his ass, or, he just isnt that bad
so, the other day i completely lost my damn mind... decided to stay in Korea for another year and now not even sure if the army will let me stay... I finally start to enjoy korea and they decide "well, maybe he should go somewhere else" heads will roll I tell you...
where you at? I'm at Osan...
So yeah, went back to seoul to see my korean stalker (I hope to god she doesnt ever checck SG ) but yeah, koreans are weird, I come from a small town, where if your neighbor has chickens its not weird for them to bring one over every now and again, well this just confused this poor girl and made me laugh, well that and...
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Hey man, check out the SG South Korea group. It's not all that active, but i'm hoping to make it more active and all that's needed is more people (preferably in the Seoul Area) who want to go out and meet up at various places.
And yes, Koreans are funny.
And yes, Koreans are funny.
Boy-o-boy do i love being changed to a different shift... and then the next day they ask some crap about why do you look so tired... oh well, went to seoul on saturday. met up with my korean stalker, creepy thing is, she is nice and doesnt look half-bad, i kinda expected a hand to have sprouted from the top of her head, cause thats...
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Holy shit, yeah, been a bit lazy lately... Havent logged on much and check SG even less But dont worry everyone, i vow to put more time into this site and to stop being anti-social
so it's been 22days since my last update, i need to make SG my homepage again so i remember to update. nothing much new here, just trying not to go insane, trying to enjoy my time in korea and not kill any koreans
another 11 days passes and i forget to update, oh well. Not much new here, the stupid people are back and making my life difficult.
Oh yeah, it's my birthday... another year gone by, another year where I almost forgot it was my B-day.
Suddenly in a much better mood, the dumbasses that were making my life harder have been gone, or are temporarily not here. The people that I like are still here for a while. I wish I could leave the army and just go home but that isnt an option right now so I'll just be happy that people that make my life harder arent here...
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I escape this shit-hole in another year... thought it would be nice to make an extra $300 a month, that was almost a year ago i thought that and wish i could give the money back and head back to the states and ultimately Iraq
Happy birthday, man!
stupid army filter/firewall/"shit just hates me thing" makes it so i cant check out SG at work, didnt even think about it till now but probably gonna get my account banned for trying to check out "porn" sites
not much new here, on night shift now so i dont have to deal with quite as many stupid people now. Kinda works out for the best.
Still phreaking out but not as bad, starting tuesday i get a new supervisor so that works out well for everyone. Other than that its a 4 day weekend. Yay for me. Still playing EQ like a mad man. Umm i think thats about it.
Evercrack?! Oh no, you should know that's not healthy...
Yea, I saw Drowning Pool with their new lead when I got back to the States. IMO, the new lead isn't quite as good, but not entirely sucky. However, it does reduce DP from totally rocking to something I'd listen to occasionally.