Well, either some generous soul decided they missed me so dang much they wanted to gift 3months of time to me, or SG used that as an excuse to try and lure me back. Either way, I'm back, and still mostly as weird as before.
Well, back home and settled in. It's been a fun 4 years, but time to call it quits with the army. Anyone in MN wanna hang out send me a message or something.
So, I get to go home soon, the first time in over a year.
It should be fun, I will also be getting out of the army at about the same time. Other than that, nothing else too wonderfully new. I'm just pumped that I get to go home and not come back to Korea!

Wow, so although shaving my head might have been a pretty big lapse in judgment, i swear people are fucking stupid. A buddy that I grew up with sent me an email calling me a Nazi... Holy fucking Christ... I shaved my head, i didnt tattoo a swastika onto my forehead.
Oh well, I swear, everyday I rejoice having gotten the hell out of that...
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Oh well, I swear, everyday I rejoice having gotten the hell out of that...
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So me and a couple co-workers were headed to Seoul yesterday and we got on the subject of being/going bald. It got to the point where i said if someone paid me I would shave my head... well, $15 later I have no hair. It's the weirdest feeling and I dont think i like it. So hopefully I'll have hair again, but for now, I'm...
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Just anything I feel like putting in the folder
Well, I'm sitting in korea pretty bored right now cause i cant sleep. Thinking about how I have less than 100 days left before i go back to the states
it's an awesome feeling knowing that my time in the army is almost done. It's also a really weird feeling thinking that its been almost 4 years now. I'm almost afraid to go back since...
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Yeah, going home is strange when you've been away for a while. You live on base so i'm sure you get just about all the same stuff form home out here, but for me going back home and taking a trip to the grocery store was shocking because i'd forgotten the shere variety and stuff available back home.
Well, after 2months being gone I decided I liked SG too much...
Who am i kidding, its the boobies I love so much
Oh well, i'm back, for the time being at least.
Who am i kidding, its the boobies I love so much

Oh well, i'm back, for the time being at least.
welcome back, just got back myself
So, I finally quit smoking, I didn't think it was possible, and damnit if it didn't suck ass. But I did it
So, if you are in korea, and bored, hit me up, if not in korea, then i will be back stateside in july sometime for good hopefully.

So I am all sick because I have a co-worker who doesnt know that washing his hands after coughing all over them is a good idea. I am finally getting over it, I think, but it still sucks. Oh well, not too much new in my life, just bored and at my computer
So, on Tuesday I went and got one of my wisdom teeth pulled. Apparently I am really lucky, because I hear all of these horror stories about hammers and chisels being used and it taking hours to get 1 tooth out. Well, it took my dentist all of about 2min from start to finish and the tooth was out, no pain, no hammer and chisel......
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So, I havent changed this in almost 6months, I have been super lazy lately and almost forgot about SG until Max16 sent me a PM and i realized that i was still subscribed, so I am back and still as boring as ever

Haha, well i guess that means i rule!