I finished my wings.!!!!! They hurt like hell. I won't even lie. I will post a picture after they heal and the yuckiness is gone. How has everyone been.? The weather here has been so crazy. I guess my location is under a Tornado warning/ watch. No fun. =( I don't really have much to write about other than the weather and bestfriend and I got our couches for our house today. That's pretty exciting. Ohh. I watched SuicideGirls Must Die on demand yesterday. I feel like SG has become a way of life for me now. Everything I do I end up thinking about the site. For instance I will go shopping and think 'Oh. That would be soo cute for a set'. I love this very very much.
Hey.! Random webcam photo. I have my extensions in. I rarely wear them anymore, but I really wanted a braid today. Definitely random. =)

Hey.! Random webcam photo. I have my extensions in. I rarely wear them anymore, but I really wanted a braid today. Definitely random. =)

and to see your 2nd wing!
fly to me with them!
The wings will be lovely.
And welcome. Yay sets! Sorry about the tormatoe warnings ... those fruits can really get out of control ...
More random webcam pixures!