i just spent an hour talking to an egyptian cabdriver. not that this is a remarkable occurence...its not, but i just always find it so interesting to run across different points of view.
its completely disconcerting to realize there is no absolute good and evil and that only history can judge with certainty the tidal shifts in the socio-economic paradigm we call the global community.
whats strange to me is that while it will never make a difference what my opinion is on world events, i find it frustrating beyond reason that i will never know the truth of political realities. that doesn't make any sense, it doesn't really matter i'm high anyway.
its completely disconcerting to realize there is no absolute good and evil and that only history can judge with certainty the tidal shifts in the socio-economic paradigm we call the global community.
whats strange to me is that while it will never make a difference what my opinion is on world events, i find it frustrating beyond reason that i will never know the truth of political realities. that doesn't make any sense, it doesn't really matter i'm high anyway.
the raw and simple is that you are living in the hegemony -- the ruling empire of the time. It is through that lens that the world is initially viewed until we have conversations with egyptian cabdrivers. All the history of the little countries and the little people -- it's different from their view. That's what pisses me off about the news media, it reassures or at least tries to reassure people whatever that hegemonic discourse is, ie, ________are bad, terrorists are all ______, and basically how great America is. Im still looking for a date on when god blessed us or did we bless ourselves?
HEY where the fuck have you been? i miss you