So I hadn't been out drinking in at the very least six weeks, due to lack of motivation (weather) and funds (job). Managed to drag myself out last Thursday to meet up with some SGChicago kids. Pounded two vodka Collins in about 20 minutes, then suckled at a couple different bottles of Newcastle over several hours. Woke up decently, bit parched; the boy was grumpy--we had coffee but no milk and sugar. Took the bus to breakfast and by the time we were done I was feeling like a horse pissed on me. Achey, coughy, chilly, blech. I can only assume it was that limited amount of booze that knocked my precariously balanced immune system off its holding post; for the last two months I've been living almost exclusively off of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, huevos rancheros, Coca-cola and Natural American Spirit cigarettes, so I can't have been that steady to begin with.
greenbay this weekend, at a nice wis. spa...... not as nice as the Kohler, but
pretty dam nice...
i don't remember setting any fires...