Shit, man, Ohio's gettin' the smack down from me. Who the hell is this Badnarick cunt? Or Peroutka, for that matter? (OK, never mind about them. I was doing crapppy math. They don't really matter. Bah)
So I went to court this morning. Nothing to write home about--I had a little chat with an assistant to the State's Attorney. She told me the case is going direct to trial and that they'll be in touch to let me know when I need to appear. I asked her about reparation and she said that as long as I make it clear that I want it there's a good chance I'll get something. She said I was welcome to stick around for the whateveritscalled--is it an arraignment? When they tell you whether you've been indicted and when your next court sate is and all that shit? Anyway, whatever it is, I stuck around for a couple hours listening to a bunch of other cases. There was some good stuff there, some cross-examining and such, lotsa narcotics cases. They called my case a couple times but the guy wasn't there, so they postponed it 'til the afternoon. I decided I was bored, and as much as I wanted to see his face, I didn't really feel like killing two more hours there.
On my way out I was smoking my last cigarette and some guy on a bicycle asked if he could buy one off me. I told him I was really sorry but it was my last one, and then he started mumbling about how he had to go to court and he was really nervous and he just needed some support and blah-de-blah. I almost asked him what he had done. He seemed nice enough but I just waved him off when the light changed. As I was crossing the street, though, two things occured to me. First, that I was going to have to buy another pack of cigarettes eventually and I should have been more charitable and told him to come to the gas station with me and I'd give him one? And second, what if that was him??? What if I had asked him what he'd done and he said he'd gotten stopped riding a stolen scooter? I guess I'll find out in a couple of weeks or so if it was.
So I went to court this morning. Nothing to write home about--I had a little chat with an assistant to the State's Attorney. She told me the case is going direct to trial and that they'll be in touch to let me know when I need to appear. I asked her about reparation and she said that as long as I make it clear that I want it there's a good chance I'll get something. She said I was welcome to stick around for the whateveritscalled--is it an arraignment? When they tell you whether you've been indicted and when your next court sate is and all that shit? Anyway, whatever it is, I stuck around for a couple hours listening to a bunch of other cases. There was some good stuff there, some cross-examining and such, lotsa narcotics cases. They called my case a couple times but the guy wasn't there, so they postponed it 'til the afternoon. I decided I was bored, and as much as I wanted to see his face, I didn't really feel like killing two more hours there.
On my way out I was smoking my last cigarette and some guy on a bicycle asked if he could buy one off me. I told him I was really sorry but it was my last one, and then he started mumbling about how he had to go to court and he was really nervous and he just needed some support and blah-de-blah. I almost asked him what he had done. He seemed nice enough but I just waved him off when the light changed. As I was crossing the street, though, two things occured to me. First, that I was going to have to buy another pack of cigarettes eventually and I should have been more charitable and told him to come to the gas station with me and I'd give him one? And second, what if that was him??? What if I had asked him what he'd done and he said he'd gotten stopped riding a stolen scooter? I guess I'll find out in a couple of weeks or so if it was.
That's all for now. Thanks for the invite!