Over a month and no update. Not as though my life has been uneventful; the opposite, I guess.
I just came back from Chicago and am leaving for a four-day camping trip/service project at Yosemite on Sunday.
A few weeks ago I read on a panel about Bi and Trans inclusion in the LGBTetc community. My piece was about being riding my scooter in the Dyke March, and it cracked everyone up and gave me a biggish ego for a few days.
I painted these
and donated them to an auction fund raiser for Big City Montessori, which is run by one of M's cousins. I was in Chicago the night of the auction, but M tells me people liked them and they sold well, so yay more ego.
Tonight I made delicious sesame-peanut noodles.
I started working for a new test prep company and I think it is going to be much better than the last one. Actually, I know so. Already, it is so much better--it's way less corporate, my hourly wage is already 50% higher than it was at my old company, and they people who work there just generally feel more like my kind of people.
School starts in a week and a half. I'll be done (for now) in May. Motherfucker.
I just came back from Chicago and am leaving for a four-day camping trip/service project at Yosemite on Sunday.
A few weeks ago I read on a panel about Bi and Trans inclusion in the LGBTetc community. My piece was about being riding my scooter in the Dyke March, and it cracked everyone up and gave me a biggish ego for a few days.
I painted these

and donated them to an auction fund raiser for Big City Montessori, which is run by one of M's cousins. I was in Chicago the night of the auction, but M tells me people liked them and they sold well, so yay more ego.
Tonight I made delicious sesame-peanut noodles.
I started working for a new test prep company and I think it is going to be much better than the last one. Actually, I know so. Already, it is so much better--it's way less corporate, my hourly wage is already 50% higher than it was at my old company, and they people who work there just generally feel more like my kind of people.
School starts in a week and a half. I'll be done (for now) in May. Motherfucker.
i mean...
peek a boo?