Back in town. Still got the property buyin' blues. The 'rents offered to help us out with a place, but it's like,
a) would it really be worth it if we're going to move after I finish school anyway? I mean, between closing costs and commission on both ends and the fact that early mortgage payments are mostly interest, would we end up losing as much money as we would on renting, anyway?
b) when I say "help us out" I really mean "buy us a place," since to get the mortgage down to something we could actually afford, it would basically mean them putting down a least a 50% down payment. And I don't know if I want to be that girl. And yes, it would be an investement on which they would hopefully get a return when we do decide to move, but it still smacks of spoiled, unfledged child syndrome.
c) considering a lot of the reason I wanted to leave the City is that I didn't think I /could/ buy, maybe a) is moot. But even given b), we could still only afford a studio in the City or a junior one-bedroom close to the City, and do we really want to spend the rest of our live there? Or even enough time to make the investment worthwhile?
This is all in the future, anyway, My mum's place isn't even on the market yet, so all this money she's offering me is still theoretical, and I'm not sure she even realizes just how much we would need. But gosh, how nice it would be to have a place that was really home?
a) would it really be worth it if we're going to move after I finish school anyway? I mean, between closing costs and commission on both ends and the fact that early mortgage payments are mostly interest, would we end up losing as much money as we would on renting, anyway?
b) when I say "help us out" I really mean "buy us a place," since to get the mortgage down to something we could actually afford, it would basically mean them putting down a least a 50% down payment. And I don't know if I want to be that girl. And yes, it would be an investement on which they would hopefully get a return when we do decide to move, but it still smacks of spoiled, unfledged child syndrome.
c) considering a lot of the reason I wanted to leave the City is that I didn't think I /could/ buy, maybe a) is moot. But even given b), we could still only afford a studio in the City or a junior one-bedroom close to the City, and do we really want to spend the rest of our live there? Or even enough time to make the investment worthwhile?
This is all in the future, anyway, My mum's place isn't even on the market yet, so all this money she's offering me is still theoretical, and I'm not sure she even realizes just how much we would need. But gosh, how nice it would be to have a place that was really home?
I'm ok.....generally exhausted, but warm and cozy.....with a side of stress.
So you looking at homebuying in CA?