I like two out of the following three jokes..
q.what do small people travel in?
a. mini vans
q.what did the grape do when the elephant stepped on it?
a.it made a little wine.
q.how many indie rockers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
a. light bulbs? no way-- candles are the way to go..!
this is a line from a song that I like:
just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you.
someone once told me that letting go is the first rule of the universe.
when I can't sleep at night I take melatonin.
coffee is good.
I practice bad eating habbits.
q.what do small people travel in?
a. mini vans
q.what did the grape do when the elephant stepped on it?
a.it made a little wine.
q.how many indie rockers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
a. light bulbs? no way-- candles are the way to go..!
this is a line from a song that I like:
just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you.
someone once told me that letting go is the first rule of the universe.
when I can't sleep at night I take melatonin.
coffee is good.
I practice bad eating habbits.

Would that be Nirvana's Territorial Pissings?
I agree in part. But then again, I've never really agreed with the universe that often. Sure we're friends and we have drinks on occasion, but the universe is a jerk when it wants to be.
I have problems sleeping. Not that I don't know how or I fall out of bed or anything, just hard to get there, even when I'm exhausted. The most successful way to trick myself into sleep is listening to music very quietly.
I'm still learning how to drink coffee, which probably sounds pretty stupid (never really learned how, I take my caffeine cold). So far I've learned how to drink Mochas from Starbucks, though seriously, why is the Grande only a medium?
I don't practice, I have that shit down cold. I like to think that we each have our own eco-systems. What would cause trouble for one person is perfectly good for another. Broccoli is poisionous to me, I can tell.
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