well check that out....
mias set (crucifix) was shot in my joint...
not long ago.....
and its already up....
there are three others that may or may not make it up, but the house of goat is officially public.....

outside of that....
i slipped again....
tues night that the devil (named richie) persuaded me....
which turned into wed night....
which turned into thurs night into...
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haha.. that was funny.
ive been drug free since friday morning.......
havent been drunk since thursday night.....
been eating alot.....
getting some sleep......
even getting baby steps done on projects....
the apartment is fuckin filthy.....
and ive been getting Seraphim Blue hugs at work twice a week......
the sun is out.....
and i just blew the hoops off for half a block at about 6 grand......
black lines in...
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i don't know if it is good, you need some sort of a crutch.... it really matters what drugs you are doing......like heroin...it is bad....coke is bad....but weed or beer, i think it is not as bad as most thinks like popcorn....popcorn will fuck your ass up with cancer, same with soap or toothpaste....beer is safer than fucking soap. hell heroin is safer than toothpaste..... i think as long as your not stealing from anyone i think you are doing good, but coke is expensive but you can't really listen to white lines and feel the same about it ....if you are not shoving something into your bloodstream....

it sould be good or bad..some people need drugs to tie their shoes, i need them to leave the house
Right on.
Sometimes it is good to re-aqquaint yourself with reality however pleasant or unpleasant. I have been playing with my new doggie so much lately that I have basically forgot about partying for the most part. Although I did get a little drunk the other night and attempted to have a doggie wrestling match. Never try to wrestle an 11 month old pitbull while innebriated. You will lose. I have a giant toenail scrape accross my forehead that proves it.
this summer shoul be good,
i scored a Ducane two burner+ stainless grill with cover and fuel to boot for $102.50 off of ebay.......and the big bonus is i get to drive over and pick it up!
who wants to grub?
why is it that every time i go to the beach with a girl, i end up arguing..........about the most stupid shit.........."with my over stuffed belly,lack of sleep, and healing thoughts going through my mind.......im sorry sweety but i just dont feel like sex."........."cant we just curl up and chill as opposed to throw a tantrum and cross examine me.........jezus........next time ill go alone"...........i know,...
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so, as a parting shot.......
one night, i walked into the galaxy.......
this karaoke joint acrossed from union jacks.....
a place that some of the old school sg crawled out of........
this schitzy latin queeny fag in pj's and bare feet storms in the door while im saying hi to the waitresses and crew.......
one of em says........get the fuck out of here, i already...
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so...are you still interested in prom?
prom is may 15th
you can be my date if you want.
the way i see it,
these days girls are sprouting/maturing quicker,
from birth getting all jacked up on hormones from bad farming techniques,
i think the gov't should lower the legal age to possibly even 14 in some cases...............

Yeah, but it was awhile ago...I have just ben picking through old journals and posting the funny bits. No prob about the e-mail. I got your now. Maybe I'll send you some snuff films...; )
Shit man why settle for fourteen? Didn't they make a movie about thirteen year old girls gone wild....hollywood style. It's all about who you know.
and then some depth with rhyme and reason......
connects the blue dots with lifes clots....
no matter the butcher, shit tastes awful...
substance is good meat.....
and i hurt,,,

what are you doing up so early?
So I've been rolling my own cigs as of late. I've been buying Top because it's so freakin cheap. Anyway, I was walking my dog and smoking earlier this morning and I inhailed a small piece of tobacco. Now I have this little spec of tobacco leaf stuck in the back of my throat.
god damn its beautiful out.....
im actually hot.....

and for some strange reason,
ive got Sabbath stuck in my head,
"Oh, don't you ever, don't ever say die
Never, never, never say die again"

it is this month...people are more boring for some odd reason....plus church attendance is down...same with prostitution but crack is in full fucking swing ooo aaa
pukey pirate guts.....
i just got my computer back
they didnt transfer my stuff
which incleded a bunch of emailo stuff
11 days of music
some pics
um 11 days of music
um 11 days of music
um 11 days of music

that took a long long time to load
fuck 11 times
Too bad you guys showed up to the Jolly Rodger right when I was leaving. Oh wells, we will hang sometime...oh yes we will.
how are your bills doing sir?
in my illness down time,
ive been watching movies,

i just watched Taxi Driver for the 1st,
it half validated my organically cultivated life,
if i could wear a mohawk like Travis,
id own one,
for awhile,
his words and actions almost seemed like my very own

p.s. Cybil Shepard was really fucking hot when she was younger........too bad her tits didnt match her ass
That was actually an excerpt from one of my diaries from about 9 years ago when I was hanging out with a friend who lived in the Joyce. We had some interesting times. You might know me or at least maybe we have crossed paths at one point or another. You should e-mail me sometime. mantusmania@dyingsun.net
I hate needles also. Unfortunatley at the time many people I knew ended up liking them a little too much and, well, you know the story...
but do you????? really