Friday Feb 20, 2004 Feb 19, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email mutha fucka anybody wanna float me a coupla hunred bucks until the first...i fucked up VIEW 5 of 5 COMMENTS xxanastasiaxx: a small world indeed, can't remember if "hi's " were even exchanged... and if you don't mind, I will take the "more mature" comment as a compliment. heh.. yeah, I fucked up too...gonna do it again today..I still have a time to make it back (hopefully) before the rent is due. Feb 21, 2004 black_tar_heroin: lay off the booze and the drugs Feb 22, 2004
and if you don't mind, I will take the "more mature" comment as a compliment. heh..
yeah, I fucked up too...gonna do it again today..I still have a time to make it back (hopefully) before the rent is due.