so as i look around these portlanders diaries, everyone is bitching about not working and being broke really fucking broke and have been working everyday......wet, cold, slippin and slidin........and broke......negative broke........after my new years bender, i put myself into negative land........i think its a new world record for me.......self destruction at it finest........near 48 hrs of chemical punishment.....acts reckless abandon............loads of money shot........years off of my life.......days of recovery..........and the reality......the reality that i have got some know......the ones i love so much.......they define me........and its most appearent when i meds for the minion with opinions.......just work, eat, really fucking broke and have been working everyday......wet, cold, slippin and slidin........and broke......negative broke........after my new years bender, i put myself into negative land........i think its a new world record for me.......self destruction at it finest........near 48 hrs of chemical punishment.....acts reckless abandon............loads of money shot........years off of my life.......days of recovery..........and the reality......the reality that i have got some know......the ones i love so much.......they define me........and its most appearent when i meds for the minion with opinions.......just work, eat,