sleep deprived

completely psyched

training has been intense..... Nationals are one week away.

I am content.
How did it go???
so much has happened over the last 10 days....

I was a little off with the date of Nationals.... it's this coming Saturday Oct 11

to make a long story short.... the race was on and off for me at least 3 times over the last week or so.

dog sitter needed
money needed
flights were looking overbooked because of Cdn Thanksgiving weekend traveling

thankfully friends stepped up to take care of my dog
sponsors came to my aid and helped with some of the expenses to get to Edmonton
and my coach has ramped up my training for me to explode by Saturday.......

I'm very fortunate to have such good people around me.

I can only hope to pull off a great result as a show of my appreciation....... stay tuned!!!!

It's been done since the dawn of time.

for some, it's trendy.
for others, it's freaky.

to be so passionate about art, you want to etch it on your body for life.

yet I can't seem to bring myself to do it.
perhaps because once I start, it won't stop.
and it scares the hell out of me to make sure anything I...
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