California.... land of Sun, right?
um, no.
Seems that my 10 days of racing here has been plagued with Snow in the hills/mountains, and over 9" of rain in 6 days.
I'm tired of hand washing my gear in the hotel bathtub and cleaning bikes after every ride.
today, the sun appeared for the first time.
I'm waiting for another hour so the...
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um, no.
Seems that my 10 days of racing here has been plagued with Snow in the hills/mountains, and over 9" of rain in 6 days.
I'm tired of hand washing my gear in the hotel bathtub and cleaning bikes after every ride.
today, the sun appeared for the first time.
I'm waiting for another hour so the...
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January 22nd to the 31st to hunt for work.......
January 22nd to the 31st to hunt for work.......
Did you find it?
thank you 

why stay?
why is it that I've lived in the same place now for TWENTY years.
sure, I've lived in dozens of houses over those years.... but I've still lived in the same city.
I love all of the friends and connections I've made over the years...
and the weather here is... well, garbage.
we have 2 seasons.
winter and July.
every year I bitch...
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why is it that I've lived in the same place now for TWENTY years.
sure, I've lived in dozens of houses over those years.... but I've still lived in the same city.
I love all of the friends and connections I've made over the years...
and the weather here is... well, garbage.
we have 2 seasons.
winter and July.
every year I bitch...
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I've been in florida for six years now and I feel like I'm going crazy. I'm usually never in one place for too long, but the problem with that is you never really find your place if you don't stay. I'm working on it but it feels like I should be moving on.
what holidays?
I spent my holidays at work, trying to make some extra cash.....
ended up working far more than my body could handle... now I have the flu.
it won't leave me.
oh ya...
my fridge packed it in a few weeks ago.... and today..... the furnace died.
so I'm sitting here... with the chills, in my house that's 16 degrees warn (and I...
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I spent my holidays at work, trying to make some extra cash.....
ended up working far more than my body could handle... now I have the flu.
it won't leave me.
oh ya...
my fridge packed it in a few weeks ago.... and today..... the furnace died.
so I'm sitting here... with the chills, in my house that's 16 degrees warn (and I...
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Jingle Bells!!!
just got off work.
it's nearly 1am, 2 days ago it was -37c below zero.... tonight it's +5 and raining sideways with 40-65kph winds.
what a disaster.
I watched a continental aircraft spin 180 on the glare icy taxiways tonight.
that's some scary sheeeeit.
worked with a kickass crew.
Merry Xmas everyone.
I'm back at it again in 12 hours.
....bought myself...
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just got off work.
it's nearly 1am, 2 days ago it was -37c below zero.... tonight it's +5 and raining sideways with 40-65kph winds.
what a disaster.
I watched a continental aircraft spin 180 on the glare icy taxiways tonight.
that's some scary sheeeeit.
worked with a kickass crew.
Merry Xmas everyone.
I'm back at it again in 12 hours.
....bought myself...
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Thanks for the comment on my new set!

it's -28C outside.... and I'm off to work the runways.
something tells me it's gonna be a frosty night.....
I'll try and get some pics!
something tells me it's gonna be a frosty night.....
I'll try and get some pics!
holy f00k!
-37 on the runways with little to no cover from some pretty harsh winds.
before the sun went down was decent.... I have no idea how the camera still managed to function...
pics are a little blurry.... well, because I was cold!
moar tonight!
managed to pickup some serious OT this week, being xmas and all.......
this job is friggin wickid, despite the crappy pay.

-37 on the runways with little to no cover from some pretty harsh winds.
before the sun went down was decent.... I have no idea how the camera still managed to function...
pics are a little blurry.... well, because I was cold!
moar tonight!
managed to pickup some serious OT this week, being xmas and all.......
this job is friggin wickid, despite the crappy pay.

halifax last week....
toronto this week....
montreal this friday....
back to ottawa for the weekend.
lookit me go!
toronto this week....
montreal this friday....
back to ottawa for the weekend.
lookit me go!
Thanks for the comment on my MR set!

yep, one more year with the same pro team I raced for last year.
a sigh of relief.
yep, one more year with the same pro team I raced for last year.
a sigh of relief.
I managed to make it to Edmonton with the help of some friends and team sponsors!
The flight was spectacular..... 1st class, thanks to an upgrade from a gate attendant that was also a cycling fan!
So I arrive in Edmonton - and it's cold.
I mean reeeeeeeeeeeally cold. +4 celcius was the high on Thursday. Got to my Hotel and put the bike...
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I managed to make it to Edmonton with the help of some friends and team sponsors!
The flight was spectacular..... 1st class, thanks to an upgrade from a gate attendant that was also a cycling fan!
So I arrive in Edmonton - and it's cold.
I mean reeeeeeeeeeeally cold. +4 celcius was the high on Thursday. Got to my Hotel and put the bike...
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just a quick follow up....
raced again today. MUCH colder than yesterday.... I wanted to drop out because I could barely control my bike... my hands were numb and frozen.
anyway... I toughed it out and got another 5th placing!
weekend complete.
I'm stoked!
raced again today. MUCH colder than yesterday.... I wanted to drop out because I could barely control my bike... my hands were numb and frozen.
anyway... I toughed it out and got another 5th placing!
weekend complete.
I'm stoked!
so much to do before I go.
I managed to stay healthy despite all the people with colds around me.....
fitness is there
form is there
the training has paid off, so it's go time.
with any luck, I won't forget anything....
wish me well!
I'll report back as soon as I get settled on Saturday night...
so much to do before I go.
I managed to stay healthy despite all the people with colds around me.....
fitness is there
form is there
the training has paid off, so it's go time.
with any luck, I won't forget anything....
wish me well!
I'll report back as soon as I get settled on Saturday night...
Thanks for the comment on my Lunch Lady set!