Semi happy news; I heard a rumor that could mean I will be getting student money next term without hassle. I will have to check with the authorities on the subject a couple times first to make sure before I celebrate. Would be a really nice way to start the New Year and put all the crap from the fall behind. I would really like to put some of my debts behind me, visit Jason and the boys in England in the spring and start saving for a new NY trip so here's hoping.
The Bologna process is freaking me out, my plans have gone out the window and my guidance counselour is in South Africa, grats.
Christmas was good, a bit more relaxed because my family decided to skip presents. I got to se my family and the puppies!

I miss them all like crazy /cryface
I ate some yummy food and took it easy at home away from my domestic mess, and this month alone I have probably inhaled over one hundred lussekatter. At least I can share my crazy love for the things with lovely Elf who also has an explanation of them in her journal.
However the dude I live with did give me a present ^^

I think it is a gift due to guilt, and as bribery for future fuckups, but that's fine with me.
I finally put up the pictures of my tattoos in my body mods folder, tattoos by and pictures stolen from ymonster.
I am actually starting to be a bit more active here, yey for me. Being active is better than lurking around like a perv. Well, to be fair I am a lurky perv.
Speaking of being pervy I have been consuming way to much porn, but I am broke so I am being a very bad girl and downloading/borrowing but I have to say when I get money I will be investing in some of Eon_McKais stuff. Feel free to give me more recommendations!
The Bologna process is freaking me out, my plans have gone out the window and my guidance counselour is in South Africa, grats.
Christmas was good, a bit more relaxed because my family decided to skip presents. I got to se my family and the puppies!

I miss them all like crazy /cryface
I ate some yummy food and took it easy at home away from my domestic mess, and this month alone I have probably inhaled over one hundred lussekatter. At least I can share my crazy love for the things with lovely Elf who also has an explanation of them in her journal.
However the dude I live with did give me a present ^^

I think it is a gift due to guilt, and as bribery for future fuckups, but that's fine with me.
I finally put up the pictures of my tattoos in my body mods folder, tattoos by and pictures stolen from ymonster.
I am actually starting to be a bit more active here, yey for me. Being active is better than lurking around like a perv. Well, to be fair I am a lurky perv.
Speaking of being pervy I have been consuming way to much porn, but I am broke so I am being a very bad girl and downloading/borrowing but I have to say when I get money I will be investing in some of Eon_McKais stuff. Feel free to give me more recommendations!
Just wanted to say, "hej"! :-)
Hur gr det?