Today was the last day I had to spend at my old job. Finally I am done with that horrible hateful stressful place. I thought about going out after I finaly got out (At midnight.). But this and that happened, and I ended up just coming home and taking a nap on the couch for a few hours. I have another invite for tomorrow though, so we shall see how Saturday unfolds. I'll stop in to pick up my check of course, I'll have to get all glammed up in make-up and spikes. Let the poor bastards I left behind see what I look like out of my Goddamn Morman uniform.
Hmmm.... Wish me luck on the party, I'm not completely sure I remember where it is...
An afterthought... This will be the first weekend I have had off without months of advance planning in close to a year... I'm kinda excited.

An afterthought... This will be the first weekend I have had off without months of advance planning in close to a year... I'm kinda excited.

I'm one step closer to having an AntiBush concert here in So Cali on Labor Day. That will make two places, Ann Arbor and So Cali. It's not a revolution, but it's a start.
I love your photo set in the tub. If someone doesn't get horny looking over those pics, they don't have a pulse.