It is hot as a motherfucker here. Absolutely miserable. So... what is it with the underage fuckwads here? Can anyone carry on unchecked here?
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Thursday May 06, 2004
9 days to graduation. I have fucked up my summer. The plan was to… -
Tuesday May 04, 2004
Nothing but happiness today. I have completed the last of my writi… -
Tuesday Apr 27, 2004
Son of a bitch! What the fuck happened in this country? I am unde… -
Sunday Apr 25, 2004
I find that I don't have much to say when I am not upset. I tend to … -
Tuesday Apr 20, 2004
I work in a digital video editing lab. For the most part I deal with… -
Sunday Apr 18, 2004
Musicians are really the worst bunch of fuckups. You can't rely on t… -
Thursday Apr 15, 2004
YES! Lets get extremely pissed! You should be. You are being screw… -
Wednesday Apr 14, 2004
The radio weatherman said that it was going to snow today (wed) and I… -
Tuesday Apr 13, 2004
I am so fucking sick! I started in a bad place this morning and have… -
Monday Apr 05, 2004
Depression is a bitch. You are down, you want to be left alone but y…
So underage mofos round here eh? How the heck did that happen?