It is hot as a motherfucker here. Absolutely miserable. So... what is it with the underage fuckwads here? Can anyone carry on unchecked here?
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Friday Apr 01, 2005
I have been subpoenaed by Congress to testify about my steriod use. -
Wednesday Jul 07, 2004
iz about time for me to roll out of this joint! -
Wednesday Jun 23, 2004
Work! I filled in as AD for the final day of shooting for an indep… -
Wednesday Jun 16, 2004
No job yet but... We have a movie idea! I think it is really grea… -
Wednesday Jun 09, 2004
It is hot as a motherfucker here. Absolutely miserable. So... what … -
Tuesday Jun 08, 2004
It is a beautiful day out today. I think I'll go outside. -
Wednesday Jun 02, 2004
can i have some money? i would like to make a film. super8. -
Thursday May 27, 2004
soooo busy. look for work. sleep. look for work. sleep. sleep. I… -
Sunday May 23, 2004
Must find a job. Must find a job. Must find a job. Must sell… -
Tuesday May 18, 2004
I'm back! It's been real hectic. I finally graduated from my unde…
So underage mofos round here eh? How the heck did that happen?