Son of a bitch!
What the fuck happened in this country? I am under the impression that now that the industrial revolution is over here and continuing trade agreements culminating in the NAFTA treaty have all but eliminated manual labor jobs in this country,leading to our work force being service industry driven. (I'm ranting, forgive the grammer) So why the fuck can't I get any service here. Anytime I walk into a Chipotle (only to buy lunch for my cast and crew, I won't support McDonalds) I receive less than service. The fat, lazy staff always mess up my order, I have to get a manager to get the problem resolved, then when the manager leaves they stop half way through and make me wait while the entire staff disappears.
Yesterday I got screwed by the USPostal Service. I sent my film to California on the 19th Priority Mail; 2-3 day delivery. Yesterday I get my package back (7 business days) with a "address does not exist" sticker. This package was sent to a company that claims to receive 75-100 parcels a day. How could the local PO not know that the business DID infact exist.
So I go to my PO. I ask if they can credit my postage towards the overnight delivery since I will now have to pay the $20 premium to have the processor overnight my film back so I can have A WEEK to post my film. (not enought time, if you are curious). They tell me to wait at a door where the manager, who has agreed to discuss the situation, will meet me. After five minutes, one of the guys standing behind the counter while I was speeking to the first counter rep. opens the door and asks how he can help AS IF HE DID NOT KNOW WHAT WAS GOING ON! After a long conversation and me asking for a complaint form and getting the web site address, I walked out $10 poorer, package still in hand.
I had to go to FedEx ande spend another $35 to get the overnight. I'm a student. I'm broke! You FUCKERS! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
What the fuck happened in this country? I am under the impression that now that the industrial revolution is over here and continuing trade agreements culminating in the NAFTA treaty have all but eliminated manual labor jobs in this country,leading to our work force being service industry driven. (I'm ranting, forgive the grammer) So why the fuck can't I get any service here. Anytime I walk into a Chipotle (only to buy lunch for my cast and crew, I won't support McDonalds) I receive less than service. The fat, lazy staff always mess up my order, I have to get a manager to get the problem resolved, then when the manager leaves they stop half way through and make me wait while the entire staff disappears.
Yesterday I got screwed by the USPostal Service. I sent my film to California on the 19th Priority Mail; 2-3 day delivery. Yesterday I get my package back (7 business days) with a "address does not exist" sticker. This package was sent to a company that claims to receive 75-100 parcels a day. How could the local PO not know that the business DID infact exist.
So I go to my PO. I ask if they can credit my postage towards the overnight delivery since I will now have to pay the $20 premium to have the processor overnight my film back so I can have A WEEK to post my film. (not enought time, if you are curious). They tell me to wait at a door where the manager, who has agreed to discuss the situation, will meet me. After five minutes, one of the guys standing behind the counter while I was speeking to the first counter rep. opens the door and asks how he can help AS IF HE DID NOT KNOW WHAT WAS GOING ON! After a long conversation and me asking for a complaint form and getting the web site address, I walked out $10 poorer, package still in hand.
I had to go to FedEx ande spend another $35 to get the overnight. I'm a student. I'm broke! You FUCKERS! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
I'm really starting to dislike the USPS immensely.