So over the last two weeks Ive been freaking out with no life or free time studying for my midterms and now that they are done Ive nothing to do!!! Im actually thinking of writing all the papers I have to do for the rest of the semester just to have something to do but then when I finish that Ill really have nothing to...
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Im beginning to understand why Rome fell, its not because of the ratio of slaves to "citizens" nor will we find the cause in the way they over stretched their army in foreign wars, It was not because of corruption or greed of all the crazy unprotected sex they were having and atop of this you might think well then it has to be because...
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My friend is on leave from the military and tomorrow!!! YBOR!!!! getting Drunk as Fuck!
yay alcohol

Im finally back home in tampa after three months of traveling! The trip was fun but its good to be home. Im in my last year of school so I need to have as much fun as I can and still do good in Latin which will in it self be a great feet. Im kinda wanting to take a trip for halloween so if...
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So here whats been going on I just got back from Europe Id been there for a month, flew into NY then to Boston drove to RI and then to Philly. Im in Philly till Wednesday then Im putting my car and myself on a train and heading back to FL. For the first time in three months Ill be back in my house in...
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wow what a really busy schedule
anywho have a great day
anywho have a great day
Life is far too short not to enjoy every minute of it, and you have a great day as well!
So Im in southern France right now checking out Roman ruins and eating the best food I have ever tasted! What can I say but I kinda love my life!
ask for "tapenade verte" and eat it on grilled toasts

Is now in Rhode Island for the next two weeks and cant find anything to do!! lots of big differences from the North and South but one things for sure the food up here.. to die for! So if anyone knows some stuff to do near Tiverton RI or Swansea MASS or even Providence, thats not that far from here let me know, Please!!! I've...
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Hi new friend! Indeed, Chinese food rocks on so many levels (except the part where you're hungry an hour later...)

It's my birthday!!!!!! So now I am older than time.... ITSELF! I'm in NJ just hanging out, you know ageing and stuff. So everybody have a great day! And if some prick tells you that you are partying too much tell them your just partying for this cool guy named Erroll! That's right!

So in five hours Im going to drive to NY city see a show on broadway and then go to a party for my professors book release all and all I think its going to be a very interesting day....
Hi, my name is Erroll and I like ice-cream? not too sure what Im supposed to say but I live in FL and travel a lot Im in Philly right now NY in a few days then off to RI and MASS and that followed by a trip to Nice France, Rome, Florence, Paris, Amsterdam and a few other places before Im back in FL...
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