I am writing this blog out of desperation. I really need your help. To make a long story short. My little boy Brandon was born with a lazy eye. To date, he has wore bifocals since he was three. Until yesterday, I thought that would be the extent of his deficit. However, I could not have been more wrong. After seeing the ophthalmologist yesterday, my fiance and I received some bad news about Brandon and the current state of his vision. Much to our disbelief we were told that he is going blind in his right eye. We have to make him wear an eye patch during all times on his left eye except during school, bath time, and at night, so that the left eye will possibly learn to work again. If it doesn't learn to work by the time he is 7, then he will be considered legally blind. We have no medical insurance so the medical bills are quite extensive at this point and I am just heartbroken for the little guy.
I am not one to make such news public, but I know being disabled myself how hard he is going to have it if he does lose complete vision in that eye. He will never be able to drive or play contact sports, among many things. I will love him regardless that is a given. I just wish he didn't have to go through all this.
I set up a donation fund to help pay our medical bills. If anyone would be willing to donate you can do so here securely through PayPal:
Save Brandon's Eyesight

Any help would be appreciated....
Much Love,

Save Brandon's Eyesight

Any help would be appreciated....
Much Love,

I'm so sorry to hear that! My older daughter has something similar, she is wearing glasses from 4 years, at the beginning she has to wear an eye patch 24 hours a day, but now, with 8 and half y.o. she is so much better! And we didn't use any medicine! Can't believe the doctors have seen it on Brandon so late!!!! Such a shame!!! Good luck for your family! 

Hope things work out for him.