listening to starpimp. contemplating a bit. to what end? why can i never express myself to my own satisfaction? not even big pants, a tight sweater, white belt, and dashboard confessional tickets can save me. have you ever felt like no one could ever possibly understand? have you ever thought how completely typical a sentiment that must be? how can a person learn not to be negative? how does one unlearn/deprogram? it is like trying to to unthink a thought. how did i wind up with these concepts of original sin with not even a religious upbringing to blame? why ask why? try bud dry. remember that crappy tag line for that shitty beer from 20 fuckin' years ago? i have bad allergic reactions to any kind of metal other than surgical steel. 2night i wore a nice watch that my grandfather (RIP) gave me, on a shitty wristband from wal-mart. there is exposed metal on the inside of the wristband and i know that it can give me a rash. in the past ihave defeated this situation by coating the metal w/ clear fingernail polish. well the nail polish must have worn off because after wearing the watch for half or more of my shift i noticed redness and bumps on the top of my wrist. i took off the watch, continued to work w/out thinking much more about it. now there is a GIANT not to mention disgusting blister on my wrist that squirts fluid when pressed upon. 7 hours from now i am supposed to be back at work for another 9 hours and i am drunk again! all i want to do is skate!

you're making me laugh freak boy
Tre and Gregg say what's up and ask why you don't move back home. Just for a while at least .