Just woke up.
Listening to Slint.
This is what i look like when i first wake up.
And yes, I didnt wash my makeup off before passing out.
Sue me!
Anyway, I have some pretty neato job opportunities comming up!
I plan to keep with my agency,but its always safe to have a back up right?
So ive decided to use my amazing photoshop and design skills to make some bread!
(Why does it seem like im talking to my mother when i post on here???)
In other news, Im still happily in love with an amazing individual.
Waking up next to him makes me smile...
Kissing him with morning breathe makes me tingle (and puke in my mouth a lil) hehe
Its all hearts and butterflies my friends...
Wonder how long itll take before reality takes over, and if well be able to handle it together.
Also! Im trying to quit smoking!!!!!
Not going too terribly well so far....
Yet again, SUE ME!
Well anyway, im going to go hop in the shower and then go eat.
Listening to Slint.
This is what i look like when i first wake up.

And yes, I didnt wash my makeup off before passing out.
Sue me!
Anyway, I have some pretty neato job opportunities comming up!
I plan to keep with my agency,but its always safe to have a back up right?
So ive decided to use my amazing photoshop and design skills to make some bread!
(Why does it seem like im talking to my mother when i post on here???)
In other news, Im still happily in love with an amazing individual.
Waking up next to him makes me smile...
Kissing him with morning breathe makes me tingle (and puke in my mouth a lil) hehe
Its all hearts and butterflies my friends...
Wonder how long itll take before reality takes over, and if well be able to handle it together.
Also! Im trying to quit smoking!!!!!
Not going too terribly well so far....
Yet again, SUE ME!
Well anyway, im going to go hop in the shower and then go eat.

Damn it i wanted to pop your anal cherry ya bitch!!
LMAO Ok ok im your bitch. LOL hey check your email tell me if this sounds like something you two would be interested in doing? hehe for all good fun. My friend wants to go.

The photos without production are since we are in the daily life, I like that you raise it.