I'm officially working for the magazine "EastCoastInk" doing promotions.
Are first issue is to be out in March.
We have done a few promos. A promo is where we show up at a one of the tattoo shops or business's we are working with and we bring a crew, take tons of pictures and just really just introduce ourselves to the area. Heres where we've been and heres where we'll be.
Janurary 14th....Glory Days Tattoo, Clayton,NC
Janurary 16th....Flaming Amys, Wilmington, NC(Addison and Brisby were there)
Janurary 18th....Cape Fear Roller Girls Party @ Soapbox, Wilmington, NC
Janurary 28th....Hero Tattoo, Mrytle Beach, SC (Addisonwill be there)
Feburary 4th....Port City Tattoo, Wilmington, NC
Feburary 11th....Cape Fear Tattoo, Wilmington, NC (Brisby will be there)
June 15th-17th...Atlanta Tattoo Convention, Atlanta, GA
July 6th-8th....Chattanooga Tattoo Convention, Chattanooga, TN
And I wanna welcome Scott Smallin to the team, he will be our photographer on the Mrytle Beach promo and many more. Thanks buddy!!
Heres a pic of Brisby, Addison, our friend Shannon and I at the Flaming Amys Promo.

Heres a pic from the Roller Derby Party Promo...Enjoy!

Are first issue is to be out in March.
We have done a few promos. A promo is where we show up at a one of the tattoo shops or business's we are working with and we bring a crew, take tons of pictures and just really just introduce ourselves to the area. Heres where we've been and heres where we'll be.
Janurary 14th....Glory Days Tattoo, Clayton,NC
Janurary 16th....Flaming Amys, Wilmington, NC(Addison and Brisby were there)
Janurary 18th....Cape Fear Roller Girls Party @ Soapbox, Wilmington, NC
Janurary 28th....Hero Tattoo, Mrytle Beach, SC (Addisonwill be there)
Feburary 4th....Port City Tattoo, Wilmington, NC
Feburary 11th....Cape Fear Tattoo, Wilmington, NC (Brisby will be there)
June 15th-17th...Atlanta Tattoo Convention, Atlanta, GA
July 6th-8th....Chattanooga Tattoo Convention, Chattanooga, TN
And I wanna welcome Scott Smallin to the team, he will be our photographer on the Mrytle Beach promo and many more. Thanks buddy!!
Heres a pic of Brisby, Addison, our friend Shannon and I at the Flaming Amys Promo.

Heres a pic from the Roller Derby Party Promo...Enjoy!

tooootally cute.
hey! i hope to meet ya at the atlanta tattoo convention! i wanted to come on sunday but, welll...5 hours is a bit of a drive to show off my tattoos. lol