I got my nipples pierced day before yesterday and ooo wee my titties are sore!
They are so cute!!!
I work at a tatoo shop and got my really good friend who is also are peircer to do it and he is so awesome. He is so comforting and gentle, well as gentle as you could be while shoving a needle through your breast. But it was well worth it and I love it. I have a video clip and the minute I figure it out to put it up here I will.
Any suggestions?
I got my nipples pierced day before yesterday and ooo wee my titties are sore!
They are so cute!!!
I work at a tatoo shop and got my really good friend who is also are peircer to do it and he is so awesome. He is so comforting and gentle, well as gentle as you could be while shoving a needle through your breast. But it was well worth it and I love it. I have a video clip and the minute I figure it out to put it up here I will.
Any suggestions?
so, will you be coming to the philly convention,and maybe working the s.g. booth

Soon, I hope!