Just 2 more months before my set Just A Little Redd hits MR. So i wanted to talk about the set a little.
This was a throw together set based on what i believe Persephone would look like if she was alt. If you all remeber the Percy Jackson movies, they are very rock and roll in the underworld. But what if she like more...
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So yall know how appreciative i am to all you members and models. Modeling is a journey, and im starting off small. Just like these herbs im growing. It takes a lot of dedication to feed the growth.
Like sunlight, i need to connect with the world. To talk and get to know the models and members and create connections and friendships.
And like water,
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Slowly packing basic essentials for moving.
Since I'm moving to texas (Austin/Dallas) areas, where should I go sightseeing at?
Do you have event ideas for me to look into?
What would you do if you visited the state?
#1 Your favorite summer activities?Swimming, tanning, and reading.
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I cant even with this online schooling. Im so tired. Some modules have 40 videos for me to watch and have quizes over. Its not for the weak. But despite that do i look cute? Lol
So if yall dont know, im a student in college. Luckily for me, its all online. So i started going through and started writing my notes and then i realized. Why in the world do i take notes like this π€£π€£π€£π€£π€£ smh. Every part of my life is chaos but no, everything has to be pretty on paper
I have some major concerns for the streams on SG. There should not be anything inappropriate. But it still happens. People are asking for rule breaking specifics and tipping extra for those requests. And whats really saddening is that even though models know they shouldnt be doing this, they are. They end the streams when rules are mentioned, and there are comments on streams of...
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So this is my catgirl cosplay outfit. But ive been considering other versions.
Whos your favorite catgirl character and why?
So joining SuicideGirls has done a lot for my confidence. I mean ive made content across sites for 5 years now, and ive never had as much fun until now. Idk if its because of the model coaching by my recruiter @jadestone or if its just something deep inside me thats finally starting to show. I just cant believe how far i have come since...
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