Hey lovlies! I'm ErisMorn and I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty damn excited to be here. My first set "Game of Platforms" will go live in about 5 months and I figure now would be a good time to introduce myself :p Well first things first I'm pretty out there, I have a pretty unique style and sense of humor. Usually you can find me curled up on my couch with my puppy or kitties (which ever feel like gracing me with their presence at the time) playing video games or watching anime. When I'm not there I'm at my day job, unfortunately. Honestly I'm not so great at talking about myself, maybe it has a little to do with the fact that I don't do much that's exciting but hey that's not important :p If you couldn't tell by now I'm also quite sarcastic and usually curse like a sailor. But what's life without a little sentence enhancers. I'm pretty much an open book so if there is anything anyone wants to know, feel free to shoot me a message on here or my Instagram @causeyourprettyandshit
xo ErisMorn