is this demented or what?
i am having an ethical fashion dilemma. i bought an olive green bomber-length neoprene jacket last year. i was all excited about wearing it today. then i reflected on my utter contempt for the fact that military fashion is back again, despite the world-wide anti-war sentiment. if i wear this short green coat am i a sucker? stupid thing to think isn't it, but i have an almost pathological to not fit into the trends. must be my homosapienphobia.
i am having an ethical fashion dilemma. i bought an olive green bomber-length neoprene jacket last year. i was all excited about wearing it today. then i reflected on my utter contempt for the fact that military fashion is back again, despite the world-wide anti-war sentiment. if i wear this short green coat am i a sucker? stupid thing to think isn't it, but i have an almost pathological to not fit into the trends. must be my homosapienphobia.

That dancing Bush is so funny too, you gave me just the laugh I needed this afternoon...
Take it easy.
If you want to go with fashions that reflect the political times, go for a black hoodie and a matching bandanna or a keffiyah around yr face.