in an effort to experience all that paris has to offer, last night the man and i went to a swinger's club. what a

the man is research master, so i let him suss it out. it is in one of the oldest buildings in paris; on the ground floor is a wee bar, below this the buffet lounge, with a lot of tiny low tables, then more lounges, a shower room, and on the lowest floor a little dancefloor with lounges at the back. it's all exposed stone, low arched roofs, and tragically unsumptuous upholstery: rather holiday inn bedspread circa 1991.
it was a total shot in the dark, i would say. i am not sure if the man knew single men were admitted that evening (at 82 euro a pop! couples were 45 and single ladies 16). and they had had a big event the night before, so it was not a big crowd.
the cover gets you a free drink, a full course dinner and a good couple glasses of wine, plus dancing and sexual intercourse with french people who look like your parent's friends. not all of them, there were a few couples about my age, but the ladies who were there to fuck could have been sitting beside me on the metro earlier that day. well, they were better looking than most because they were confident sexy ladies, but still, could be librarians or market analysts or housewives. good for 'em, i say! and there was totally full-on orgy action in multiple rooms, no doubt. it is very strange to see a woman dirty dancing with a fellow or two, and glance back 5 minutes later to see her stockinged legs going up in the air under said fellows.

we were not cruising for another cock, one is enough for me, so there was no point in our getting naked, as i had already been felt up enough by strangers. shoulda gone on ladies night! but house rules state that if someone complains that you are harrassing them, it's an instant lifetime ban, so they were all very polite about getting lost.
actually it would have been near impossible for me to get sexy because the music was atrocious. we were living it up, making out like crazy to the tolerable dance music, when they suddenly threw on 'Uptown Girl' by billy joel, followed by 'Rollin' on the River.' now, these may be fine picks on the radio driving through New Jersey, but they are two of the least erotic songs i can think of. we cut out of there pretty quick, to catch the metro before it shut for the night.
so it was a fascinating study of human nature, the dinner was quite tasty, and we did come home and raise the roof. prognosis: 45 euro well spent. i'd like to go to a big event and see if the crowd is a bit more mixed. nothing ventured nothing gained, right?
i heard from a gentleman during the cocktail hour that in some german clubs, at a certain hour EVERYONE is expected to get nekkid, or they'll stop serving you at the bar. that would be a bit much.
Maybe it's the French, who knows- it's hard to believe that a race so beautiful with sucha beautiful language could make sucha faux pas as considering Billy Joel and 'Uptown Girl' to be music to make-out to...
Maybe in 1983- but Jeez, tell me we've evolved SOMEHOW in the last 20 years.
Take it easy