it's ma burthday bu-bu-bubu-burthday...5X5 years gone, onto the next set. Uranus, planet of Eris, (in MY solar system anyway) entered Pisces today, and will hang out for the next 7 years buggering up all my best-laid plans...wait a minute, i don't have any plans. oh well i guess it will work out just fine then!
my best present: new cologne--probably kenzo jungle (the purple one). i want something that makes me horny--something that, if i smelled it on a girl, would make me want to crawl all over her.

on saturday i went to hear metro area; groovetastic, baby! we snuck in a bottle of home-made absinthe--i can't believe i made this stuff myself. does it ever work! drug of the year for sure. can't wait to unleash it on all my friends this summer

And Buckhaven... my god- I've been THROUGH that place- it was like Sarajevo or something with all the weird housing estates with the windows boarded up- not that tehre areent nice parts of Buckhaven, but I think the bad outweighs the good in soem of these moderately sized Scottish towns... Kind of an abundance of teenage girls with babies, y'know?
My boyfriend got me into Coupland- he pretty much got me with my tail between my legs cause he, a scot, knew all about him, and I, a fellow-canadian had not so much as heard of the guy- but i kinda inherit a lot of my tatses these days to him- like i said before, I grew up in rural Ontario... theres nota hell of a lot of culture in that part of the world so you get places like Guelph called 'city'... Miss it? Not a bit... Okay so there are certain foodstuffs misisng over here- but taht will only do my diet more good than anything else...
They really do go out for that karaoke though....
for the girls..." --"Awesome"
Hope you don't mind being related to a Veruca Salt lyric. I think that song kicks azz. I'm a lucky boy; my favorite Pulp song applies to me today-- Jarvis for emperor of earth!