Soooooooo...I needed some shoes for my work party and this sales assistant girl starts asking me all about my tat, where I got it, how much it costs, did it hurt then started tellin me what she wanted blah blah...anyway I said I needed some shoes (go figure!) and we found some and I'd said I'd be in tomorrow to pick them up and she gave me this 20% off discount card to bring in...yippee!!
THEN I needed to get my hair cut for the work I went in and this old gay wannabe dude says it'll cost $66 for the colour and he leans across to this girl with a platinum blonde bob and she turns around to check me out and she had piercings and smiles and goes "$44" so I was like "sick!"
AND THEN i rang my mum to tell her, she said i should buy I did...AND I WON $34 haha.
AAAAAAAAAAAND THEEEEEEEEEENNNNN I saw this thing I wanted to use for my next shoot (not tellin what it is) and I called the company and he goes "i saw you yesterday at the pub, you almost broke your neck trying to see my contact details" i said "yes that was me" and he goes "$100 an hour instead of $150"
I wish I had rock..
So yeah..thats my story, thank you for listening...come rub my tummy if you want some luck!
Check out my shoes!!
Soooooooo...I needed some shoes for my work party and this sales assistant girl starts asking me all about my tat, where I got it, how much it costs, did it hurt then started tellin me what she wanted blah blah...anyway I said I needed some shoes (go figure!) and we found some and I'd said I'd be in tomorrow to pick them up and she gave me this 20% off discount card to bring in...yippee!!
THEN I needed to get my hair cut for the work I went in and this old gay wannabe dude says it'll cost $66 for the colour and he leans across to this girl with a platinum blonde bob and she turns around to check me out and she had piercings and smiles and goes "$44" so I was like "sick!"
AND THEN i rang my mum to tell her, she said i should buy I did...AND I WON $34 haha.
AAAAAAAAAAAND THEEEEEEEEEENNNNN I saw this thing I wanted to use for my next shoot (not tellin what it is) and I called the company and he goes "i saw you yesterday at the pub, you almost broke your neck trying to see my contact details" i said "yes that was me" and he goes "$100 an hour instead of $150"
I wish I had rock..
So yeah..thats my story, thank you for listening...come rub my tummy if you want some luck!

Check out my shoes!!

I dont get cheap shit
Just lots of perverts thinking they can grope me... Fuckers...

Fuck, even i get groped.. I absolutely hate when people just lift up your t-shirt sleeve to see what the rest of the tat looks like, without even asking! I was at a bar one time and a guy just lifted the sleeve up to look while i was looking the other way. I was like 'wtf?!'. So i looked him in the eye and said 'sure, you can have a look. No need to ask.' with a lot of sarcasm. He just stood there. Fuckers indeed.