As an indigenous woman...
TW: indigenous violence (statistics)
I want to bring attention to the MMIWG2 (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two Spirit) individuals and their families. Yesterday, May 5, was MMIWG2 Awareness Day, and I spent my day posting about statistics in regard to the situation on Instagram. Those stories were removed by Instagram for some unknown reason, so I've decided to take to my various platforms to talk about those statistics once again and bring awareness to the MMIWG2 people who deserve justice and recognition.
To share information straight from the NIWRC (National Indigenous Women's Resource Center):
"The crisis of missing and murdered indigenous women and girls has deep roots in colonization. The murder and disappearances of native women and girls are often connected to domestic violence, dating violence, rape, and sex trafficking."
Upwards of 84% of native women have experienced violence in their lifetime.
More then 1 in 2 Native American women have experienced sexual violence.
5,712 cases of MMIWG2 were reported in 2016. Only 116 were logged in the Department of Justice database.
This is an artwork I created in 2019. It is titled Indigenous Epidemic.
More information regarding the statistics of MMIWG2 can be found on my artist website, along with resources.