got a job!!!! woot!!!! so happy rite now!!!! i hate being is sssssssssssssoooooooooooooo boring!! And todays going to be extra good.... i get to go see my bestest friends in the whole world. We have been friends since we were 5 and i luv luv luv her so much! she's so cool! She has a little baby and when she got pregnant she moved away so we've been living about 2 hours apart and because my car is un driveable and has been for a while i havent been able to see her coz there no buses to where she lived.. and she doesnt drive so she couldnt come see me! but guess what.... now she's moved only about 45 minutes away and is directly on the bus route so i can visit her all the time.... yyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy!! So we gonna hang out today and be idiots and pretend we're cool. teehee!! she lives right near my mummy too so if im extra lucky i can go see mummy aswell!! yay! And also, I've stopped thinking (well im trying to anyway!!) Everytime something comes into my head that i know is going to annoy me for hours I just act dumb!! It sounds horrible but I actually just pretend to be one of my friends.. she is the most beautiful person in the world and is actually quite smart but she never uses her intelligence.. she just go's with the flow.. and she's happy!! so if i get logged down i just put myself in her brain, shrug my shoulders and get on with it all!! but if only i could look like her... she's like a bloody supermodel!! and and and, when my lease runs out i've decided to move a bit further south. that way i'm closer to my friends but still close enough for work.... oh im so happy rite now... i hope this feeling last forever...
hahaha... ok thats it!!!!